創意工夫 龍泉八重桜発の蕾 新たな物事を考えだし、方策を練ること

国指定天然記念物・日本三大鍾乳洞 龍泉洞隧道(ずいどう)利用「龍泉八重桜 in 龍泉洞セラー秋あがりプロジェクト」始動!

龍泉八重桜醸造元、泉金酒造株式会社は平成27年5月20日(水)「龍泉八重桜 in 龍泉洞セラー 秋あがりプロジェクト」を開始いたしました。




天然の冷蔵庫を有効活用することで、CO2削減に貢献。 また、地域の皆様に親しまれているお酒が、このプロジェクトを通じて、地域の方々の楽しみや元気のもとになれば・・・そのような思いをこめてセラーに搬入しました。ベテラン南部杜氏、菅原銀一の醸した純米吟醸酒。しっかりとした造りが熟成を経て、どのような旨い酒となるか、期待が高まるプロジェクトです。

お問い合わせは、担当 八重樫まで。

Project Aki-Agari :Limestone Cave Cellar for Ryusen-Yaezakura

Senkin Shuzo has started “Project Aki-Agari: Ryusendo - cave storage for Ryusen Yaezakura”.

What is “Aki-Agari”?

Japanese sake is brewed basically in winter. After pasteurization it is aged in tanks during summer. In autumn the sake improves its quality with more umami and richer flavor. This means Aki (autumn in Japanese) Agari (rise, upgrade in Japanese). On the contrary, there’s also a risk that the sake becomes deteriorated, which is called “Aki-Ochi”(fall in Japanse: fall in fall!), when the original sake is not well brewed.

Why in Ryusendo-cave*?

For aging Japanese Sake constant low temperature is the key. Fortunately Senkin Shuzo is situated near Ryusendo-cave, one of the biggest limestone caves in Japan, there the temperature is constantly 10℃(50°F) throughout the year. So it is like a natural refrigerator, an ideal cellar for aging.
Inside the limestone cave the sunlight is blocked, good for bottled Sake, preventing deterioration by ultraviolet rays. And this natural setting is eco-friendly, as well.

*Ryusendo-cave: The town of Iwaizumi lies on the sedimented ground, deposited by the remains of coral or marine animals about more than 200 millions of years ago. There are many unique geological spots in  Iwaizumi.: the Karst landscapes.

The Ryusendo limestone cave has some wonderful blue underlakes (three of them are open to the public), includes impressive forms of stalactites and stalagmites. Don't miss three blue lakes with high permeability.

When can we taste the “Aki-Agari”?

The Sake will be stored until the beginning of September. After checking the quality, it will be on sale around mid September. Please look forward to the Ryusen-Yaezakura “Aki-Agari”.

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